
Top 10 Ways to Improve Employee Efficiency

Top 10 Ways to Improve Employee Efficiency  BY MIRACLE EBIRI CATEGORY: HR TIPS & TRENDS As daylight savings approaches, it’s a good time to think about different ways you can, well, save time. These days, employees are spending more and more time at the office–certainly exceeding the typical 40-hour work week. However, increasing hours worked does not necessarily translate to increased efficiency. So, how can leaders and managers improve employee productivity while still saving time? Here are the top 10 things you can do to increase employee efficiency at the office: 1. Don’t be Afraid to Delegate While this tip might seem the most obvious, it is often the most difficult to put into practice. We get it–your company is your baby, so you want to have a direct hand in everything that goes on with it. While there is nothing wrong with prioritizing quality (it is what makes a business successful, after all), checking over every small detail y...


Ten Things You Can Do To Ameliorate Your Mental Health Try these tips to keep your balance, or re-balance yourself.* 1. Value yourself: Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. Make time for your hobbies and favorite projects, or broaden your horizons. Do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a garden, take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument or become fluent in another language. 2. Take care of your body: Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure to: Eat nutritious meals Avoid cigarettes -- see Tobacco Cessation Help Drink plenty of water Exercise, which helps decrease depression and anxiety and improve moods Get enough sleep. Researchers believe that lack of sleep contributes to a high rate of depression in college students. See Sleep.  3. Surround yourself with good people: People with strong family or social connections are generally healthier than thos...

500+ Good Instagram Bios & Quotes

500+ Good Instagram Bios & Quotes You’ve heard it before – making a good first impression is important… Well on Instagram this is truer than ever. Instagram bios are the first thing people will look at after stumbling across your account, that means your bio for Instagram is crucial! It’s going to help decide whether or not other users are going to follow you or click on your website link. So it’s extremely important to have a good Instagram bio, especially for Instagram users or business looking to grow their following. Good bios for Instagram are usually those that are personalized to what type of account you have, it’s import to match your Instagram bio with your accounts style. For example, a very professional small business account may look a little silly with the bio – “Just another paper cut survivor”, whereas it could be rather funny posted on a teenager’s personal account. This is why it’s important to think about what type of impression you have or want to hav...

TOP archaic words

500 Archaic Words That Everyone Really Needs To Use Again By  Jerome London Updated September 17, 2018 These archaic words will remind you of an era past. But they’re such a refreshing change in pace from modern day vocabulary. Read through this list of archaic words and pick a few to insert into your own lexicon. 1.  Abaft —toward or at the stern of a ship; further aft 2.  Abroad —out of doors 3.  Accouchement —birthing 4.  Advertisement —a notice to readers in a book 5.  Afeard/afearedt —frightened 6.  Affright —frighten (someone) 7.  Afore —before 8.  Agone —ago 9.  Ague —malaria or a similar illness 10.  Alack —expression of sorrow or regret 11.   Alee —on or toward the lee 12.  Aliment —food; nourishment 13.  Alow —below 14.  Amain —to a high degree; exceedingly; at full speed 15.  Ambuscade —an ambush 16.  Anent —about; concernin...